9/19/2012 02:55:25 am

Hi liv,
is this your sister, (number 11)?
I like your compositions, and how the subject is always off center.
I also like how the pictures have movement

9/19/2012 02:55:36 am

I love all of these, they're so gorgeous! :) You have a strong composition in all of your pictures and you have a lot of contrast.

9/19/2012 03:00:46 am

I love all your photos especially the third one. I really like the composition and contrast!

9/20/2012 02:59:26 am

These pictures are amazing and so beautiful (: I really like the third one where she's in the doorway. The blue tint on the second one is cool too. The contrast between the girl (I'm guessing your sister) and the backgrounds is amazing :b

9/21/2012 02:24:19 am

I like how on the far right middle picture you used the rule of thirds to take that picture.

David Lawlor
9/22/2012 08:47:51 am

I see 8 pictures of the same girl, but with different backrounds,and different uses of P.S.
All these photos use the rule of thirds.
these photos make me feel like this girl is facing nostalgia toward something, or maybe shes thinking about the future.
these are some great pics. cant wait to see more!

9/24/2012 02:45:17 am

I love your series because of the different angles. In these pictures i can see a girl in a dress. Some of the photos have staires and others do not, she is not smiling. the pictures make me feel kinda sad. A lot of people chose really sad topics/


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